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This Week at Harand: 7/4-7/10

Evan B.

Wow, it’s Week Three! In the blink of an eye, Pageant is now here, and one thing is for sure– we cannot wait to share our work with everyone!

Week Three started strong on Sunday, with 4th of July festivities and the last Media Madness activity, Track Meet. After our camper-led color guard raised the flag in the morning, counselors hid around campus for the fan-favorite “Counselor Hunt.” Track Meet brought all of the camp together with their Media Madness teams to participate in games, races and the infamous Culligan Water Bottle Relay. There was no shortage of action, laughter and team spirit as Haranders cheered each other on. The day ended with a 4th of July picnic, patriotic movie night, and most importantly, fireworks near the beach! Sunday surely set the tone for an action-packed, super exciting week to follow.

Monday and Tuesday brought campers plenty of rehearsals, but also time with their friends for Cabin Nights. Each cabin had a relaxing evening to spend with each other while watching movies, making friendship bracelets, going on nature walks and more. In the midst of this final stretch, Cabin Nights helped campers get in the right mindset for what was going to be a very busy last few days of First Session.

Filming for Pageant took place on Wednesday and Thursday, and every Harander couldn’t wait to see their friends and cabin-mates shine on stage. When campers weren’t filming their sections, they had plenty of downtime to plan their virtual visiting days, rehearse their One-Act plays and continue to bond with each other. After Pageant filming had wrapped, Haranders gathered to celebrate and play Peppy’s Bingo. On Thursday night, each camper headed back to the dorms with the many fun snacks they’d won and memories they’d created.

Friday brought campers one last time to shine on camera for First Session– One Act Plays! While Pageant showcases the work everyone has done in their singing and dancing classes, One Act Play filming was a time to share their adventures in drama class with everyone. Afterwards, campers got ready for Banquet, a night of class demonstrations, snapping photos with friends, and a special meal graciously prepared by Carthage Dining Services. Haranders couldn’t wait to recognize each other’s hard work and enjoy a wonderful night with their cabins, friends and counselors one last time. And, campers loved seeing everyone else dressed up in their very best!

On Saturday, the final day of First Session, we played one last camp-wide game– capture the flag– then watched Pageant together in the theatre. Every Harander loved seeing every section of the show, and although this year’s Pageant was filmed, campers still loved coming together to support everyone’s hard work.

As the final week of First Session has come to an end, we are eagerly awaiting the twists, turns and surprises for the final session of Harand Camp 2021! Make sure to check back next week to keep up with the Haranders, and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for real-time updates of camp life.

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