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This Week at Harand - 6/27 to 7/3

Evan B.

Welcome back to This Week At Harand! After a wonderful workshop performance last week, rehearsals were in full swing to prepare for Pageant 2021: “This Is Me.”

Sunday’s Media Madness carnival and movie night was the perfect way to relax in preparation for a week packed with rehearsals and so much more. After a day spent creating and running their team’s carnival booths– which included a haunted house, olympic relay race, snowflake-making and more– campers were able to unwind watching In the Heights. As they all got cozy in their pajamas, Haranders loved listening to another movie-musical written by fan-favorite Lin Manuel Miranda.

Monday night brought campers their second Hobby Night of the session. Counselors led activities such as stage makeup, karaoke, pillow-making, and theatre games; to say the least, Hobby Night was a hit! Campers not only loved performing for each other, but also couldn’t wait to share their creations with their friends and cabins.

Then, on both Tuesday and Wednesday night, campers continued rehearsing for Pageant and cooled off with a pool party with their cabins. Haranders were not shy to splash right into a fan-favorite activity; although rehearsals can be very time consuming, campers felt super refreshed and ready to finish the session out strong after their pool parties.

Thursday’s focus shifted to Song and Skit, a Media Madness tradition where each team writes, directs and performs an original song and sketch. Because this session’s theme was “Seasons of Harand,” each team– Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter– had lots to say about the environment and how we can all become better Haranders and members of our own respective communities. After teams performed for their cabins and friends, staff members led the camp in fun camp songs to end the night off on the right note.

This Friday brought Haranders another evening of services and talent show performances. From stand-up comedy to singing and music acts, campers were excited to see their friends shine on stage. Campers from each cabin were recognized for their unique talents and were there to cheer on and support one another. Then, the week ended on a festive note with the 4th of July dance! After spending all afternoon decorating, the oldest campers welcomed everyone to a night of singing, dancing and feeling festive.

We can’t believe how fast week two came and went, and we’re looking forward to an amazing final week of first session. Make sure to tune in next week and stay up to date with camp life on our Facebook and Instagram pages!

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